Just wait until…

overwhelmed momOh, just wait until they’re running around…

Just wait until they’re eating solids…

Just wait until they start talking…

Just wait until they start talking back…

Just wait until your next kid, and you have to do this all over again…

Just wait until they get older and don’t need you as much…

Just wait until they can start trying to ‘help’…

Just wait until potty training…

Why don’t we go ahead and say it?

THEN you’ll be REALLY frustrated!

THEN you’ll be REALLY tired!

Then you’ll be REALLY miserable!

New motherhood has definitely set in. I am tired. Tired enough for long enough and I’ve managed to get sick. I’m never sick. Being sick and being in charge of a human being barely larger than a breadbox is an impressive task. But still it’s wonderful.

Why is that so hard for people to understand I’m actually happy? Does it come as a surprise that I still generally love being who I am?

I find it interesting that society as a whole is almost dedicated to coping. Like, we’re all victims of something and the best we can ever do is just cope, and ride out the storm. Waiting until something else just pops up and overwhelms us further, so we can further obtain more sympathy, or to gain a new group of friends to be our listening ears seems to be the norm.

I’m amazed at how many times I hear this, and surely I can’t be the only new mom that hears such things. It constantly feels like what people are really saying is, “I have it worse than YOU. You should be grateful you don’t have my problems.”

Do we really want to switch? Or actually to have someone have your problems?

My house is a constant disaster. This is not normal for me, as I usually at the very least keep laundry going, dishes done, and floors at least reasonably swept. Now, if the diapers are clean (we do cloth diapers) and I can find a clean pair of underwear, it’s a good day. I know this will change when he gets older. It will change tomorrow.

But I’m here today. With a beautiful (albeit cranky) son who just woke up from his nap, and I’ll wait another day.

2 thoughts on “Just wait until…

  1. I would not switch, But I am thankful for the things that have passed me by, and the things that happen that make me stronger in faith, deeper in grace and more loving.

  2. I couldn’t agree more! So much is bourne out of sadness and grief that I’d never change anything. I love Right Now, and will love it until the next Right Now happens.

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