So, You’re Just Giving Up??

I recently had a truly groundbreaking conversation with my husband over one of the single, most frustrating occurrences in our marriage.

For the last 4 years, it has been a huge source of contention, disappointment, and definitely some heartbreak. It’s started more arguments than I care to admit, and has even been used as an apology if the cause has warranted it.

But I’m done. I’m done talking about it. I’m done asking, reminding, begging, pleading, and nagging. I’ve never wanted to be a nag – lest of all to my husband, but fewer things have driven me to the brink of insanity. It’s especially worse now that we’ve had a baby.

TrashbagThe conversation was this:

Me: Honey, will you remind me to take the garbage out this evening?

Hubs: Don’t you mean, ‘Don’t forget to take out the trash out?’

Me: No, my love. I don’t. I’d like to mean that, but then it wouldn’t get done, and instead of me nagging you and it still not getting done, I’m just going to do it.

Hubs: When have you nagged? You don’t nag. You haven’t even asked me once this week about the trash.

(Yeah, actually I did, but we’ll let that go)

Me: No, I haven’t, and that’s ok. Just please help me remember to take the trash out.

Hubs: So, you’re basically giving up on this.

Me: Yeah. This way, if I forget and it doesn’t get done, then it’s my fault.

Hubs: Am I supposed to feel better now?

Me: Honey, this isn’t about you. I can either think you’re a selfish man by never once taking out the trash when you say you will, or I can get off my butt and take out the trash. If this were a life or death issue, I’d hold out for more, but I’m just too tired to keep thinking about it. So, I’ll just do it.

He was hurt, but only for a little while. Ironically, I forgot to take it out last night after dinner. So, this morning after Little Boy woke up, I had Hubs hold him for a second while I grabbed and emptied all the trashcans, and ran outside to put the big trashcan to the curb. At the last bag, the garbage truck was starting down our street.

He tried to put up a fight. Honestly, I think he’s happy it’s not on his plate anymore, but felt bad that I was doing “one more thing.” And it is “one more thing” but it’s better than it being ONE MORE THING that I get hurt feelings about because I always do everything and he is so irresponsible blah blah blah blahhh!!!!

We’ve had more than one conversation about this topic. In fact, other than our finances and where to find the best school district, it’s the numero uno topic of conversation that turns into a serious debate. He always wants to do more, and I totally love and adore him for having a heart that wants to serve his wife.

But I just want him to pick up his socks off the living room floor.

He wants ways I can feel cherished, valued, and loved.

I want Him. To Pick. Up. His. (@$%ing socks. Off. The Living Room. Floor.

I’ll take out the trash.

I know the feminists that read this blog just made a kitten, and I’m ok with that. I will be the first to agree with all that read this that it isn’t a fair solution. But Life isn’t fair, and neither is Marriage. I hate taking out the trash. I’m not sure if it’s all the years that I was a custodian or what, but I dislike cleaning bathrooms, and taking out the trash. That’s seriously too freaking bad.

But I also love my marriage. And I know how much of this was me just having him do something because “it was a guy’s job” to do stuff like this. But if I waited for him to do it all the time, then our house would be condemned by now. I finally came to the conclusion:

I’m already doing this. What is to prevent me from continuing to do it – and let my husband off the freaking hook?!

6 thoughts on “So, You’re Just Giving Up??

  1. I gave up on my husband taking the trash out too….long ago. He does take it to the curb on trash day though. He does cook often though!

  2. Some battles aren’t even worth showing up for! I’d love for the sneezers, socks and random “Honey where is the ___________________?” were over but then, really, what would I have to roll my eyes at and gently mock? They are socks, and sneezers, and yes I usually do know where he puts stuff so asking isn’t wrong, just a bit slack.

    He works hard, and I know how his mind works after over 10 years together. He just isn’t wired the same as I am for some things. I can respect that, and work with him on things. Some stuff, like tires, are his domain. Other stuff I try to really discern whether it is a distracted man, a tired man, a “I want to hang with you” man or a disrespectful man (and it is hardly ever the last one!) and adjust accordingly.

    I’m with you on the socks though 🙂 Totally.

  3. It seems to me that his “you’re basically giving up on this” contradicts his statement that “you never nag.” He gets to say something nice about you (not nagging) while acknowledging that he hasn’t been doing something that you’d like him to do — trying to make you feel guilty while he feels guilty.

    Or maybe not. What do I know — I’m just a guy who, after almost 33 years of marriage, still sometimes forgets to pick up his (@$%ing socks. 🙂 But I do take out the garbage. Most of the time.

    Luck and love to both of you, for the rest of your lives.

    1. Please forgive me for not responding sooner. Honestly, your opinion really got me thinking, and I wanted to respond well. And that usually takes me a while.

      You’re totally right on your take on the conversation. Seriously. I’m not proud to say that definitely in days past I would remind him of something constantly, and, to me, it felt like nagging. To him, however, because he knows he has the same amount of ADD that I do, he never saw it that way. I felt like I was nagging. He never did.

      That being said, I think a lot of this came across like I was in a totally one-sided marriage. That couldn’t be further from the truth!! My husband works 50+ hour weeks, and goes to school full-time. He doesn’t forget to do things at home out of spite: he forgets out of sheer exhaustion.

      My point in the blog was to bring it into perspective; I’M the one who was putting so much emotional investment in him taking out the damn trash – not him. I’M the one who was making a far bigger deal out of one stupid household chore. So I made the decision to get the hell over myself, and take out the trash.

      Would you mind if I quoted you on this? I feel the need to reblog about this, and would like your permission to talk further.

      1. No, I don’t mind at all if you quote me (or ask me questions). Please excuse me for misunderstanding; I know that the written word is an imperfect form of expression, at best. And as a fellow blogger, I know that each post is a reflection of whatever happens to be going on then (and what’s going on isn’t always perfect). I apologize if I overstepped — I do wish you both the best.

      2. I know you have no idea who I am, so please let me assure you of one absolute thing: I am literally impossible to offend 🙂

        Thank you so much for your interest. I know it takes time to comment, and I want to be respectful of that.

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